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About Us

Pike Graphics is primarily centered around one man, our Creative Director – Timothy Halldin.

Growing up in Southern Minnesota Timothy knew he was interested in the arts at a very young age. Growing up he spent countless hours drawing and took
every available art class available through high school. Timothy went on to study the arts at Mankato State University and also spent a year at the local
Graphic Design School. In 1985 he was hired by the largest themography printer in the nation (Taylor Corporation) to join their art department. Timothy went
on to spend the next ten years at Taylor learning all the nuances of the printing industry including printing processes, specialty papers, foils and embossing
and special die cuts. Ti mothy’s vast knowledge helped him run the art department and develop new skills as the use of computer graphics entered the arena.

In 1995 Timothy was hired by Capstone Press to lead their art team in one of the fastest growing publishers in the country in the production of non fiction
books for children.This is where Timothy was given the opportunity to explore and master his creativity on the computer and layout techniques. Timothy set
the bench mark high at Capstone and after designing over 600 publications, was responsible for the design of ninety two percent of their best sellers.

In 2000 Timothy and his lovely wife Kim decided to start their own design firm and
with their passion for fishing, decided to name it Pike Graphics. Starting locally in
Mankato, Minnesota. Pike Graphics has gone on to serve hundreds of local
businesses and has since become the design house for both statewide, national
and international clients. With a background in printing and a mastery of innovative
computer technologies. Pike Graphics customers have found their projects in
excellent hands. Not only do Pike Graphics customers come to expect high end
unique graphics, but they can also trust that all of their printing materials will also
have press ready and error free files, saving both time and money.

Pike Graphics has teamed up with some of the best in the business for Website Building • Printed Products • Promotional Product • Outdoor & Indoor Signage
Banners • Tradeshow Graphics • Vehicle Graphics • Photography
. So what ever your business needs you can come to one design house and have
everything taken care of with one phone call. Pike Graphics is old school and believes that customers should get more than what they expected.